William's Devlogs

William king here, level, character, and animation designer for Minor Manor Curse. Here ill be sharing my process throughout this endeavor.

Made rough sketches of level layout before designers begin building the level. Each room is separate and has its own textures and camera angles. Also included are how 2D and 3D models would be used in the game. It’s important to have a general idea of the layout so everyone is on the same page.A drawing of a room  Description automatically generated

Began making a design for the main character, had 2 different versions. Went with the second design, it stands out less. Still brainstorming a name for the character, feel free to make suggestions!

Began animating the animations for the character, began with smaller animations and worked up to the larger ones. Made each separate body part of each animation and placed them together as one in the end. This was a pain in the brain.

Exported each animation as a sprite for use in unity. A little behind schedule but I think these came out nicely…. Right?

Animations for character. This turned out exactly as I pictured it would.

Began animations and drawings for enemies within the game. Created detailed sprites, attacks, and death animations for each including the boss for level 1. Had to do a bit of research and snooping for enemies I felt would look cool and fit the theme. How’d I do?

Exported the enemies as sprites for use in unity.

Began building each level. Each texture was created by hand using reference from actual material such as brick, curtains, dirt, rocks, wallpaper, trees, bushes, grass from real life images and pixel games. Added shading, walls, and placed all items together to create rooms.

Broke each room into parts as shown below for the first room, repeated this process for each room. Exported them as sprites for use in unity. It’s easier for the programmers to place them into unity like this rather than one image. This way they can line them up however they see fit with the models they have. Sure it’s a pain for me, but it ain’t fun if It don’t hurt said no one.

Finished with animating random objects being used throughout the game.

Sent reference images to classmates for them to use or draw for the game.

Helped organize levels in unity.

Pixelized image for main menu.

Worked on looping sounds used in game.

Get Avare Manoir Malédiction (Miser Manor Curse)

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